Thursday, October 18, 2012

Five Writing Prompts to Die For: Guest Post by Kathryn Jones

We're down to two weeks until All Hallows' Eve and All Saints' Day, so with thoughts of the turning of the year and spirits and such on peoples' minds, it seems an apt time for a list of writing prompts tuned to the season.

Kathryn Jones, author of the new mystery "Scrambled" is here to provide us just such a list. Thanks, Kathryn!

Five Writing Prompts to Die For
Kathryn Jones

If you're feeling near death when it comes to starting that new writing project, never fear, a writing prompt might just be your answer to new life--maybe even the next best-selling novel.

And why not?

Many writing prompts have delivered a short story, a novel, even some poetry. And I love that I can move through what moments before seemed like a fortress.

In line with Halloween, you'll want to try the following five writing prompts--whether you're writing a mystery, a horror novel or the next romance. Here they are in no particular order.
  1. Grab a flashlight and take a short walk around your neighborhood. You don't need to walk alone, but make sure your buddy is the type that can enjoy his/her surroundings silently. Then, when you return home, record your feelings. This exercise is great when you also are focused on remembering the five senses: sight, touch, sound, smell and taste.
  2. Make a visit to a cemetery and record some of the names you see on the tombstones. Based on what is written on the gravestone, create a character. Not everything on the tombstone is birth and death related. Maybe you see that someone was "a little angel" and that triggers a particular character trait. Maybe just the name of the person on the gravestone is enough. 
  3. Dress up in Halloween attire and go out to eat. The dress up prompt works best when you don't hit the restaurant on Halloween but a night leading up to it. All those who join you must dress up, too. Observe how you are treated. Take special notice of stares and laughter. Take notes of what you hear and feel.
  4. Choose your favorite Halloween story and randomly point to various words. Once you've gathered 10, begin a new story using those words.
  5. Travel back in time. Recall a time when you were fearful and write about it. The experience could be anything--from someone following you in their car, to a death of a loved one. Just let fear be your guide.
As a writer, writers' block can be moved quickly and easily with writing prompts. Hopefully, the ones above have assisted you in getting out of the grave.


  1. That has to be the most unique list of writing prompts I've read. Well done :-)

  2. I absolutely LOVE Halloween and was happy to write about prompts as they relate to one of my favorite holidays. Thanks for reading!

  3. I love halloween and the 5 points given here is awesome, its very different and a new concept for me, I'll just try it out.

  4. Have fun, Godot. I will be doing the dressing up and going out for dinner idea tonight. My costume. WIB. Women in Black. My husband is going as MIB, of course.

  5. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Angela and Godot!
