Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Forward to February - Blog Schedule Changes & Goals

With the (possibly temporary) removal of the Dissecting the Short Story feature from my blogging calendar, I'm going to be making changes to when I post starting in February. My new schedule will be general posts every Monday and Thursday and then my weekly Links post on Sunday.

Also, looking forward to February, I wanted to plan out my goals for the month.

1) Spend time in the first half of the month analyzing my first draft of "Adrift" and time in the second half of the month planning the second draft. - It's baaa-ack!

2) Write 5,000 words of new fiction including at least one new short story. - Now, I'm not going to limit myself to only 5,000 words if I get on a roll. But, I have a non-fiction project I'm seriously considering putting some time into soon and I also want to make real progress on the novel review this month. This is what I consider sort of a "maintenance" level of new fiction writing.

3) Keep all my writing routines -- Seinfeld Chain, revised blogging schedule, etc. - As I said yesterday, having a routine keeps me moving forward.

4) On 2/29, have one non-time-sensitive blog post written and ready for future use on a day when I'm not able to post something "new." - So, if I use the one I have on hand as of 1/31, I need to replace it. If I don't use it, I need to do nothing specific on this goal.

5) Submit one or more short stories for the first time this month. - This is part of my "Write 1/Sub 1" goal for the month.

6) Look more seriously at scheduling to attend Marcon in early April. - This is a local science fiction convention.

Anyone have interesting February goals they want to share?


  1. Giving yourself goals, especially when you know you work better with a schedule, is a great idea.

    Just remember we'll cheer you on when you need some motivation.

  2. Thanks, KT! I'm hoping I set a slightly more realistic set of goals this time. :)

  3. My February has become complicated. I just this week published my first book on Kindle, so my primary writing goal for February is to make big strides on the second book in the series. It took me a year to do the first one, and I'm hoping to cut that down to 6 months for each of the second two books in the trilogy. Not sure I can do that, but I'm going to try.

    In the meantime, I'm starting up a new site called the Magic Appreciation Tour and Book Sale, which features books from authors who write fantasy books that include some form of magic. The mission of the site is to fight author obscurity, and it will do this through a combination of a book tour and book sale. Authors will cross-promote one another, and readers will get access to new magical fantasy reading material at a great price.

    The MA Tour starts on March 1 and runs to March 31, and it will be a lot of work to set up, so many of my February goals relate to it:
    * Sign up authors.
    * Get the word out to readers.
    * Build the web site.

    I certainly hope *my* goals are realistic! On a positive note, I have several people cheering me on and authors who are interested in participating. As I'm sure you know, a little support goes a long way!

  4. Daniel, thanks for your comments! I'm very sorry that they didn't get published here sooner; Blogspot had lumped them into my "Spam" folder, which this very clearly was not!

    That tour sounds very interesting. Good luck with it and with the release of your new book!
