
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Links: November 13, 2011 Edition

We're getting closer to the holiday season and, for me at least, that means that things are getting really hectic in my life. That plus NaNoWriMo has equaled a few frustrating days recently where I just didn't feel like I had enough minutes. I'm very grateful that I had a good writing day yesterday, pulling well ahead of pace on my NaNo project as today looks like a day where I'm not going to get much done at all on the writing front.

Without any further rambling, on to this week's links!

"The Art of Receiving Criticism" (Larry at - Those of us who are considering looking towards the possibility of publication with our NaNoWriMo projects will likely end up looking for feedback from someone at some point on our project. This article talks about what to look for when receiving feedback/critique on your work and also what you might want to filter out.

"How to Avoid the Second Book Slump" (Janalyn Voigt) - This was an interesting post about reasons why some writers struggle with their second book and how to try to keep from falling into those traps. It also compared the process of writing to the work that goes into a marriage, which I thought made for an interest analogy.

"Need a Jump? Four Ways to Fix Your Stalled Story" (The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy) - Some great thoughts about things you might want to consider if you're feeling stuck in your story. I'm sure that there are plenty of NaNo writers out there right now who are having that sensation. A timely post!

"You Might Be A Writer If..." (Ami at MuseInks) - A little bit of humor about the writerly life. (And, yes, I really have called my own voice mail to leave myself a reminder about a plot point or a story idea...)

Additionally, here's a recap of the posts from this week on my blog:

"NaNoWriMo Progress and Musings" - Monday I wrote a bit about NaNoWriMo, both where I was, where I thought I'd be come 11/30, and where my novel might go someday.

"Dissecting the Short Story Preview" - Wednesday I announced the story for Friday's dissection.

"Winning Prompt and Honorable Mention" - Thursday I announced the winner of the second iteration of my Flash Fiction prompt contest and I also shared a bit of good news I received in the mail.

"Dissecting the Short Story: 'Call Center Blues' by Carrie Cuinn" - Friday, I posted this week's short story dissection. The story which I examined is available to be read for free on-line, so if you're interested in commenting on the story itself and/or my analysis of it, you can read the story easily.

I hope that everyone has a great week both as far as writing and life in general. Thanks for stopping by!

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