
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Links: June 24, 2012 Edition

First off, a quick update on "Write Every Day." It's been submitted to Amazon and is available for purchase on their site and other European sites. However, it's not yet available on for some reason; I've got an email in to Amazon's support site and I'll let everyone know as soon as it's available on

I've decided to discontinue adding the #storyeachnight and #poemeachnight information to this Sunday Links post. With adding #poemeachnight it has become a big chunk of text and the most recent week or so of everyone's #storyeachnight and #poemeachnight tweets should usually be available to review on Twitter.

So, for now, let's head to the links:

"The Great Twitter Experiment: What Does Tweeting More Links Get You?" (Janice Hardy) - Getting a bit meta right off the bad here as the first link is to a blog post about posting links on Twitter. I won't spoil the article other than to say that this matches my general philosophy about Twitter which is that it's much better as a social/cocktail party environment than a sales venue.

"You Say Documents, I Say Source Files" (J W Manus) - If you're a non-techie, don't be scared off by the phrase "source files." This post does a nice job about thinking of your writing text less in terms of old paper manuscript format and more in terms of a malleable stream of words. (The author's description is more elegant than that...) Avoiding making formatting explicit in your text is very helpful for short story writers since submission guidelines vary from publication to publication.

"Naked and Unphotoshopped" (Kat Howard at Strange Ink) - Kat talks about becoming comfortable with initial drafts of a work having flaws as part of having "the courage to be bad." Reaching beyond your comfort zone comes with risks, but can also help you reach a higher level than you ever had before.

"Writing in Ray Bradbury's Shadow: Write 1/Sub1" (Milo Jay Fowler at Shimmer) - Milo talks about the origins of Write 1/Sub 1. Being a part of that community -- oriented around regularly producing new work and getting it out on submission -- has been very helpful in keeping me moving forward as a writer over the past year.

"Ten Reasons Why I'll Quickly Reject Your Story" (David Farland) - This post presents a list of the most common problems he sees with short story submissions.

And here are this week's posts from my blog. Quite a busy week here!

"Savor Successes" - Monday I wrote about why it's important for writers to savor successes as they come along.

"Announcing 'Write Every Day' by Michael Haynes" - Wednesday I released the first official word about my eBook "Write Every Day" which is in the process of being released via Amazon.

"Short Story Sales to IGMS, Book of Pulp Heroes and Kzine" - I also wrote on Wednesday about a set of three short story acceptances which came in mid-week.

"Finishing What You Start" - Thursday's regularly-scheduled blog post was about not letting partial work sit around gathering dust.

"'Sequence' is Live on the Grand Science Fiction Site" - Saturday, my story "Sequence" went up on Grand Science Fiction.

"Short Story Sale: 'Present Company' to Every Day Fiction" - Finally, Saturday also saw the announcement of a sale of a flash mystery story to EDF.


  1. Thanks for the links! I'm now following you on Twitter. I finally took the plunge and got an account! I've been doing well with the write 1/submit 1 this year. I have no idea what I'm going to do for next month, though!

    1. You're quite welcome.

      Glad to hear you've joined the fun on Twitter. I've really enjoyed getting to know people there, too.

      You've still got a fair amount of time to figure out next month for W1/S1. What length have you usually been writing?

  2. Holy cow -- so much stuff to check out! Well, my Monday's shot. =] Thanks for the shout out, Michael. The more folks who hear about W1S1, the better. I know it's made a big difference for many of us.

    1. You're quite welcome, Milo! Thanks for stopping by.
