
Thursday, June 28, 2012

June Goal Wrap-Up and July Goal Setting

With June rapidly coming to a close and July 1st just around the corner, it's time for me to review my goals for this month and see how I did. It's also time to set my goals for July.

Oh, and speaking of July 1st, that's the day when submissions officially open for Unidentified Funny Objects, the anthology I'm helping read submissions for. If you have a funny speculative fiction story, I'd encourage you to submit it for the editorial team's consideration.

1) Keep all my writing routines -- Daily Writing Chain, blogging schedule, etc. - So far, so good. Barring something unexpected happening in the next few days with my daily writing chain, I'm in good shape. My daily writing chain stands at over 300 days now. Some days have been better than others, but it would be silly of me to complain.

2) Write and submit one or more short stories for the first time. - Done. I've written several short stories this month and also submitted at least one for the first time.

3) Make revisions to my non-fiction project based on feedback and my own editing of it. - Done.

4) Write 7,500 words of new fiction. - I'm over 12,500 for the month at this point.

5) On 6/30, have two non-time-sensitive blog posts written and ready for future use on a day when I'm not able to post something "new." - I've dipped into my reserve a couple of times this month, so I only have one such post at the moment. I may or may not get caught back up to two by Saturday.

6) Launch at least one new eBook. - Done. "Write Every Day: Hints & Tips Towards a Daily Writing Routine" launched Monday and I'm very pleased with the first two reviews it's received.

7) Schedule another "revising day." - I defined this goal strictly as scheduling the day, not holding it. I've booked July 6th for this day, so this goal is met.

As far as my goals for July itself, they are...

1) Keep all my writing routines -- Daily Writing Chain, blogging schedule, etc. - This includes my daily blogging for my new "Write Every Day" blog.

2) Write at least one new story.

3) Submit at least four stories for the first time. - I've mentioned having let things get a bit backlogged on the editing front. Well, this is a way to hopefully resolve this issue. I hope to put in a fair number of writing sessions on revising in general this coming month along with my July 6th revising day.

4) Write 7,500 words of new fiction. - I considered dropping this in light of my revising goals, but 7,500 words really isn't that many and I do want to encourage myself to keep producing new fiction as well.

5) On 7/31, have two non-time-sensitive blog posts written and ready for future use on a day when I'm not able to post something "new."

6) Launch at least one new eBook.