
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Links & the Week in #storyeachnight : April 29, 2012 Edition

It's been a strangely low-key weekend here so far, despite the fact that I spent hours yesterday writing. I know it's most likely the calm before a storm, but it's still been nice to feel even vaguely relaxed the last 36 or so hours.

I've continued to keep up with #storyeachnight. Here are this week's entries:

4/22 - "Scout" by Bud Sparhawk from the 6/12 ASIMOV'S. A fallen soldier re-enters the fight in a different role.
4/23 - "Crooks" by Paul Carlson from the 6/12 ANALOG.
4/24 - "You've Ruined This For Me" by Ewan C. Forbes from DAILY SCIENCE FICTION.
4/25 - "Dolly at the End of the World" by Amanda C. Davis from DAILY SCIENCE FICTION. Great voice & characters.
4/26 - "Moving Night" by Nancy Holder from 100 HAIR-RAISING LITTLE HORROR STORIES. A young boy's night terrors & more
4/27 - "The Other Graces" by Alice Sola Kim from THE YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY 2011. Great voice and interesting character-building. I loved the story up until near the end when it started to lose me.
4/28 - "The Old Genius" by Nikolai Leskov from THE ENCHANTED WANDERER AND OTHER STORIES. A short crime story about how a wealthy man who refused to pay his debts was forced to recompense a trusting old woman.

Now, here are this week's writing-related links:
"Writing Legend Les Edgerton Teaches Us How To Create a Remarkable Writing Voice" (Kristen Lamb) - Voice is something that I've been thinking about a lot recently. Last week I linked to Lawrence Block's post about Robert B. Parker and his authorial voice. It's an interesting subject and Edgerton has thoughts worth reading about it.

"Indie = Dime Novels of 2012?" (Susan Kaye Quinn) - And another thing I've been thinking a good deal about these last few weeks is indie publishing. I don't have any desire to stop actively pursuing publication in pro and semi-pro short fiction markets, but I do want to keep exploring the world of indie publishing. That's why one of my goals for May will be to release a second eBook. Susan muses on the possible connections between indie publishing and publishing trends of a century ago.

"Pricing, Visibility & Experimentation" (David Gaughran) -Another post relating to indie publishing, this one focusing on some of the specifics of David's experience with promotions and other forms of price adjustment.

Finally, here's a recap of the posts from this week on my blog:

"DIY: Creating My Own eBook, Part One" - Monday I went through an overview of the process I took in creating my first ever eBook using Amazon's Kindle Direct Publication (KDP) Select program -- "Gravity's Pull".

"Dissecting the Short Story: 'Memories of My Mother' by Ken Liu" - The Dissecting the Short Story feature returns with this analysis of a flash fiction by Ken Liu from Daily Science Fiction.

Best of luck to everyone with their writing goals for the week!


  1. Thanks for the shout out! You have some great links here (I'm a huge David Gaughran fan).

  2. Congratulations on making your W1S1 goal. Interesting links, I'll have to check some of them out.

  3. Oooh, reading and micro-reviewing a short story every night? That's a fantastic idea :)

    Also, congratulations on reaching your W1S1 goals for April.

    ~ Rhonda Parrish

    1. Thanks! I can't take credit for the idea, personally. Nicole Cushing is the one who started using the hashtag.

      But it is a lot of fun and it's helped me keep up on my reading. I actually made it all the way through a magazine before the next issue arrived this way!
