
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Quick April Goals Update

[Normally this would have been a post for Thursday 4/19 instead of Wednesday 4/18 but I hit Publish instead of Save and there's no good reason to pull it back. Just pretend that Thursday came a few hours earlier tonight...]

Today's post is going to be quick. Things have been going well lately writing-wise and relatively calmly (though very busy) life-wise. I've got several ideas for more extensive blog posts, but need to sit down and work with them.

What I'm going to do today is a quick check-in on my April goals.

1) Keep all my writing routines -- Daily Writing Chain (aka Seinfeld Chain), blogging schedule, etc. - As you might recall, I added an option to my Daily Writing Chain to spend 45 focused minutes on revisions. So far, having that certainly hasn't been a problem. In fact, I think I've only made that my sole qualifying writing activity for the day one time. If anything, I should be trying to spend even more time on revisions. I think at this point I'll keep this as an option for my Chain; it will replace the "personal journalling" option which I had never used and which -- at this point -- feels unnecessary. I've got plenty of other work I can be doing.
2) Write and submit one or more short stories for the first time. - Done. (And... shhhh... it's already sold, too!)
3) Make revisions to my non-fiction project based on feedback and my own editing of it. - This one may or may not happen. Other projects have taken priority both for myself and for the person I'm getting feedback from, so there's a good chance I won't get around to doing this in April. If not, it will likely show up as a May goal.
4) Write 7,500 words of new fiction. - I'm actually ahead of pace, sitting at 5224 words for the month as of yesterday. I also have two new story ideas beating down my mental "doors" so I've got to think getting those over 2300 words in shouldn't be too difficult.
5) On 4/30, have two non-time-sensitive blog posts written and ready for future use on a day when I'm not able to post something "new." - This hasn't gone anywhere this month. I still have two "almost-ready" posts like I had last month but that doesn't cut it. "Almost" ready doesn't do me any good if I have a day I don't have time to blog.
6) Relaunch the Dissecting the Short Story series on my blog - This one's coming along nicely. A week from today (or, at the latest, a week from this coming Monday) I'll be doing a DtSS post for Ken Liu's "Memories of My Mother." It's a fairly short story; if you have time between now and then, give it a read and join in the discussion!

I'm thrilled with how everything stands at this point. April is shaping up to be my best writing month in a little while, possibly even my best so far this year.

I hope that everyone else is finding things moving along smoothly with their goals!


  1. Wonderful goal achievement. And I'm quietly throwing confetti for your sold short story!!! YAY!!

    1. Thank you! Hoping I can announce the details soon.

  2. You are so organized, Michael! I sit in envy of your ability to stay on top of everything! And good luck with achieving your goals for this month. :)

    1. Thanks, though I'm not always as organized as I'd like. There's that unfolded laundry, etc. ;-)

      I did make some time tonight to finalize one of those two almost-written blog posts, so that's something else that I'm a bit closer to than I was before.

      Thanks for stopping by!
