
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Revision Day Goal Met!

The special Revision Day has gone well so far. I've:
  • Made rather significant revisions to a 1300 word fantasy story. I'm waiting on a couple of critique partner feedbacks, and then I'll make any final revisions and send this one out.
  • Took a second pass through a roughly 4000 word science fiction story. This one probably will need some more work, but it's ready to send to critique partners for feedback.
  • Revised an 1100 word science fiction story based on comments from a couple dozen critiquers. I didn't make major changes, but did address the concerns which I'd seen in the critiques that felt most pertinent. This one will go out today.
Since I've met the stated goal, I'm going to take a short break to do some submission/resubmission work. I've been lax about this for about a week, so I've got close to ten stories that need to get back out the door. If I get that done in a timely fashion, I might just see if I can tackle a fourth story today as well.


  1. Awesome. That's a lot of critiquers, but it's great to get so many different opinions on your story. I finished the first round of revisions with my WIP. I'm taking a deep breath and starting on the second.

  2. Thanks, Christine.

    And I did sort of end up working on a fourth story. One of my resubmits, I decided the best place to send it next was going to require cutting about 300 words to get it down to length limits for the market.

    I feel good about what I got done today. I think trying to schedule a day like this if I've gotten backlogged is a good idea. (A better idea, I'm sure, is to not get backlogged...)

  3. Congratulations on meeting your W1S1 goal. This year I finally figured out that there are a lot of markets out there and I have a lot of old stories that should be out trying to earn a living.

    1. Congrats on the realization, Dave. Good luck with marketing those stories!

  4. Wow, I'm envious of your great productivity!

    Congratulations on meeting your W1S1 goal for March :)

  5. A very industrious month. Please accept a virtual pat on the back

    1. Thank you, Linda. I hope it was a good month for you as well!

  6. Hi Michael.

    Congrats on W1S1, and all you success.

  7. You're in the REVISION ZONE -- sometimes I have days where I'd much rather revise than write anything new. There's just something satisfying about chipping away at those words until we have something to be proud of. AND well done on meeting your March W1S1 goals!

    1. Milo, is that anything like being in the... DANGER ZONE? :)

  8. Congratulations on making your W1S1 goals this month!

  9. Oooh, revisions. Fun--sometimes, but not always. Congrats on meeting your W1S1 goal!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, revisions are definitely an up-and-down thing. :)

  10. Congrats on meeting both your Revision Day and W1S1 goals. It looks like you've had a fantastic month! Best of luck with the stories you're sending out as well.
