
Thursday, March 1, 2012

"A Minor God of Mischief" is Live on Kazka Press

A quick blurb to let everyone know that my most recently accepted story, "A Minor God of Mischief" is now live on the Kazka Press website. I hope that you enjoy reading it!

I'll be putting up a regular Thursday post later today, but wanted to get this news out as soon as I could do so.


  1. Nice job, MIchael! Favorite line: "Exactly! I was feeling irrelevant. And you know that’s a dangerous thing for a minor god of mischief to feel. A short step from there to oblivion." I guess GPS is just another one of those scientific god-killers. :-)

  2. Great stuff! Going to check it out now :-)

    By the way, I love that title. Already has my interest piqued.

    1. Angela, I hope that you enjoyed reading it.

      I like the title, too, though I keep wanting to type it as "A Minor God of Miracles." I don't know how many times I've had to correct myself typing it that way! ;)

    2. Fun story. I've always been partial to stuff with a little humor it.

  3. Oops. Stuck my comment in the wrong place.
